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General Information

Locality: Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Phone: +255 716 005 197

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Kambakochi BEACH Cottage 13.05.2022

Wake up to the sunrise. rays penetrating through the window into your bed......peek out and let the view take you on a journey.

Kambakochi BEACH Cottage 12.05.2022

Exactly what you need for supper, after a heavy lunch. Fresh calamari, baby potatoes, bell peppers and parsley with some grated lemon zest - karibu !

Kambakochi BEACH Cottage 06.05.2022

Karibu lunch by the beach....

Kambakochi BEACH Cottage 06.05.2022

It’s the season for fresh seafood ....

Kambakochi BEACH Cottage 01.05.2022

Light and healthy. Tuna steak Sandwich. Perfect after a a good swim or walk in the Beach. karibu!